More Support Animals in Campuses: Why Do Students Need Them?

animals in campuses

It’s not uncommon to see animals accompanying their owners everywhere – public places like restaurants, malls, and buses. And yes – there has been a rise in the presence of animals inside campuses. The reason is that students deal with the stress of being in college. They may feel pressured into giving their best or deal with the financial burdens of schooling.

Many studies have demonstrated that animals help students in various ways. For example, students with social anxiety and depression are able to go out because they need to provide exercise for their animals. Also, a support animal can be the subject of conversations, which makes interaction easier. Students also turn out to become responsible individuals because of their animals.

It’s important to know the difference between a service animal and an emotional support animal. A service animal needs to be trained to perform certain tasks for its owner who cannot perform these tasks himself. Most service animals are dogs. On the other hand, emotional support animals don’t require special training – only a note from a medical professional that conveys the need of a person to have an ESA.

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Do you own an assistance animal? Register your pet. 

The Service Animal Registry of California invites you to have your assistance animal registered in order to designate its status. We also encourage you to take our online classes so you can be fully aware of your rights and gain more knowledge about your support animal.

Finally, we present to you our book entitled, “ASSISTANCE ANIMAL LAWS: LEARN YOUR RIGHTS REGARDING SERVICE ANIMALS, EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMALS, THERAPY PETS, AND OTHER DOGS, CATS, AND ASSISTANCE ANIMALS” to provide you with a complete education on assistance animals.

Purchase your copy of the book by clicking the image below.