Service Dogs in Training Comfort Students During Finals

service dogs in training visit students

It’s no secret that finals can be a time of pressure for students in college. Thanks to an organization that trains service dogs Dogs and Dawgs, Southern Illinois University Carbondale students get to experience the benefits of having service dogs around.

Actually, Dogs and Dawgs will be taking puppies undergoing training (to become service dogs) to the college so that the students can meet them. So, on May 4, these service dogs become therapy dogs just for a day.

The benefit of this occasion is that the students can de-stress by playing with the puppies. At the same time, the puppies get to learn to be around people until they become fully-trained service dogs.

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Do you own an assistance animal? Register your pet. 

The Service Animal Registry of California invites you to have your assistance animal registered in order to designate its status. We also encourage you to take our online classes so you can be fully aware of your rights and gain more knowledge about your support animal.

Finally, we present to you our book entitled, “ASSISTANCE ANIMAL LAWS: LEARN YOUR RIGHTS REGARDING SERVICE ANIMALS, EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMALS, THERAPY PETS, AND OTHER DOGS, CATS, AND ASSISTANCE ANIMALS” to provide you with a complete education on assistance animals.

Purchase your copy of the book by clicking the text or image below.