Royale Marine Vet Won’t Leave Kabul Without His Animal Rescue Staff

dog in kabul

Paul “Pen” Farthing is an ex-Royal Marine and founder of Nowzad, a charity/animal sanctuary in Kabul. With the recent Taliban takeover of Afghanistan’s capital, he is making a plea to UK ministers to “do the right thing”. This means flying 71 people from the Middle Eastern country to the United Kingdom. In this 71 personnel are trained and fully qualified female veterinarians.

“What do you say to someone who is probably going to be told they will have to marry a Taliban fighter and end up living at home, never being allowed to leave and just raising children with someone they absolutely detest?,” said Farthing to BBC News from Kabul. The Foreign Office said, “We are in contact with Mr. Farthing to offer assistance.”

Source: BBC NEWS

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