A Girl with PTSD from Amarillo Will Receive Service Dog

girl and in-training service dog

Freedom Fur, a non-profit organization that trains service dogs for veterans heard of a girl in Amarillo affected with PTSD. The girl named Grace got assaulted years ago and had difficulty performing activities that a typical teenager would do. Her parents are veterans

Grace’s mother mentioned that her daughter is strongly connected with animals which meant that she would greatly benefit from the assistance of a service dog. Freedom Fur has a service dog, Halo (a doodle mix), who’s undergoing training. Later that afternoon, the non-profit would introduce Grace and Halo.

Freedom Fur’s co-founder says that he feels delighted to be able to help local people in need. Although Grace is not a veteran herself, Freedom Fur is proud to help veterans by helping their children affected with a mental disorder.

Halo still needs to undergo further training. Freedom Fur will get Halo ready for Grace and her family. It’s a great thing that Halo is very sociable.

Article source: NewsChannel 10

Do you own an assistance animal? Register your pet. 

The Service Animal Registry of California invites you to have your assistance animal registered in order to designate its status. We also encourage you to take our online classes so you can be fully aware of your rights and gain more knowledge about your support animal.

Finally, we present to you our book entitled, “ASSISTANCE ANIMAL LAWS: LEARN YOUR RIGHTS REGARDING SERVICE ANIMALS, EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMALS, THERAPY PETS, AND OTHER DOGS, CATS, AND ASSISTANCE ANIMALS” to provide you with a complete education on assistance animals.

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