Christine Mott speaks out about service animals in rental housing

The new chairwoman of the animal-law committee of the New York City Bar Association, Christine Mott heads a group that plays a key role in determining how animals fare in New Yorkers’ homes and beyond. She recently spoke out about the issue of service animals in rental housing:

“A major issue involves service animals. And not just Seeing Eye dogs for the blind. People might also need a service animal because of physical impairments that involve hearing or mobility, or for epilepsy or asthma, as well as psychological conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder or depression. Federal law says that a person can have a service animal if it’s medically necessary. We want to make sure that law is enforced. For example, we supported legislation to make it clear that landlords cannot require proof that a service animal has been certified by the state.”

One thought on “Christine Mott speaks out about service animals in rental housing

  1. Thank you for your sincere efforts and publishing this information. I suffer from depresion and Bi-polar disorder and my dogs keep me going and can sense when my moods change for the worst. Somehow they get me back in line. Thank you for spreading the word.

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