American Airlines Policies for Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals

The link below has helpful information about the policies of American Airlines with respect to Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals:

Service Dog Helps Music Teacher with Diabetes Monitor Her Blood Sugar

Music teacher Kenzie Turk’s service animal, Bear, an 8-month-old black Labrador retriever, helps Turk by waking her when her Type I Diabetes flares up and causes her to doze. Bear alerts her when complications from the chronic disease flare up again, so that Turn can take action before something goes tragically wrong.

Bear helps Turk manage her severe diabetes condition by monitoring her blood-sugar level through Bear’s sense of smell. When he senses that the blodd-sugar level has become too high or low, Bear signals Turk with kisses or gentle nudges, alerting Turk that her levels have changed.

“He is my guardian angel,” said Turk, who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the young age of 11, and her blood sugar levels are subject to dangerous and sometimes uncontrollable swings. Turk has suffered seizures and blackouts due to her condition, on occasion.

Turk acquired Bear from a Virginia-based nonprofit called Warren Retrievers. Bear is trained to retrieve her blood glucose meter, alert others when Turk’s condition flares up, and even can wear an emergency responder alert device that contacts 911 if Turk is unresponsive and no one comes to her aid.

Without Bear’s help, Turk’s condition would present a much more hazardous danger. But with Bear by her side, she is able to live and work with confidence that her condition will not get in the way of her pursuit of happiness.

A Landlord’s Legal Guide to Service Animal and Emotional Support and Assistance Animal Laws

Watch this informative video on landlord obligations under fair housing laws: 

Many people with disabilities and/or mental health problems often rely on service animals and/or emotional support animals for assistance with their daily lives. Service animals enhance the quality of life for many people with disabilities, including owners with physical or mental conditions.

For example, a person with a hearing impairment may need the assistance of a dog to alert her or him when there is visitor, a phone rings, or there is danger. A veteran suffering from PTSD may need the emotional support of his or her cat to alleviate the symptoms of the PTSD condition. An elderly man or woman who is bed-bound may utilize the assistance of their animal to fetch objects, alert caretakers or open doors. Parents might obtain an animal to work with their autistic child to lessen the severity of emotional outbursts. This is a short list of the many ways that disabled owners utilize their assistance animals.

Warning to landlords and property managers!

Landlords who maintain a “no pet” policy may not refuse to rent or prohibit a disabled person from having a service animal within the rental property. Federal housing law does not require the animal that provides the assistance to be a dog.

It can be confusing, because service animal access to public spaces is governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), while the right to keep an assistance animal in a home is governed by Federal Fair Housing Laws.

While only dogs and miniature horses may be service animals (who may access all public spaces accompanying their disabled owner) under the ADA, it is a different story under Fair Housing Laws: Cats, rats, birds, and other animals can serve as emotional support animals in the home, in addition to dogs and miniature horses.

As a landlord, you might be asked to accomodate an individual’s need to keep their animal in the home to alleviate the symptoms of a mental disorder. It can be any type of animal, and the animal does not need to have specific training, because it is the animal’s presence that alleviates the mental condition.

There are three important points to consider when renting to a disabled individual with a service animal:

(1) Service animals, therapy animals, or animal aides all fall into the same category under federal housing law.

(2) Service animals are NOT pets and therefore may not be considered as such. Landlords who have strict no-pet policies may not enforce them with regards to service animal. Landlords may not charge additional rent, additional security deposit funds, or other additional funds in connection with the animal.

(3) Assistance animals are covered under the Fair Housing Amendments Act, Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehab Act Section 504.

To be an individual protected under the Fair Housing Act; that person must have a physical or mental disability as defined by the act; the service animal must have a direct function related to the individual’s disability and the request to have the service animal must be reasonable.

The animal must be well-behaved and not present a danger to others, but otherwise there is no specialized training or certification required.

According to 42 U.S.C. § 3604(f)(3)(B), a landlord must make “reasonable accommodations” for a disabled tenant to be able to use and enjoy a rental property on an equal basis with tenants who are not disabled. For instance, if a tenant requests to have safety bars installed in the bath-tub, a landlord may not refuse to make such accommodations.

What can a landlord to do to prevent non-disabled persons from using this law to bring in an ordinary house pet? Unfortunately, there is no law or regulation that provides specifics on what the landlord may or may not do. Only a court decision can actually determine whether a landlord must allow a particular animal.

A landlord who asks for “proof” that a service animal is just that can easily lead to legal action against that landlord for discrimination if the demand is not allowed under law. Therefore, a landlord must be very careful in how the tenant is questioned.

If a tenant informs his or her landlord that a service animal or emotional support animal will be kept on the premises, the landlord must generally accept the tenant’s credible word and should respect the tenant’s right to maintain such animal in the home. For more information about the limited type of documentation a landlord may request, see this helpful Notice from HUD by clicking here: HUD Notice April 2013


Service animal ownership can be expensive

People who depend on their service animal for day-to-day tasks, often have limited income but must still find room in their budget to cover the costs of food, veterinary care and sometimes the animal itself.

Often, the owner struggles with the financial burdens without realizing that there are ways to minimize the costs, usually simply by asking for reduced rates from vendors and suppliers.

Paying for the animal

Some large organizations, such as Guide Dogs for the Blind and Canine Companions for Independence, are able to provide the dogs and some services free of charge. Others, such as those that train dogs to assist children with autism or detect diabetes, can cost $13,000 to $20,000.

The Assistance Dog United Campaign, a nonprofit, provides financial support for people who need assistance dogs. Vouchers valued at $2,500 are available for social and therapy dogs.

As a nonprofit, the volunteer-run group’s funds are limited, however; it was only able to grant five vouchers this year.

Veterinary care

Some veterinary clinics offer discounts for service animals. Owners can inquire at local vet offices to find one that is sympathetic to the plight of low-income service animal owners.

Pet Food

Often, local organizations and even the pet supply stores themselves have special discount programs for the owners of service animals.


If an owner of a service animal or emotional support animal is struggling financially to pay for the expenses of caring for the animal, the above strategies should be used to see if any local discounts can be obtained for food and vet care, and the owner can see if there is a non-profit that can assist with subsidizing the cost of obtaining the animal or a replacement animal if a current animal passes on from age.

Also, people should consider donating to such non-profits in order to promote access and equality for all, regardless of disability!

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Rules on Nondiscrimination in Air Travel and Airline Regulations

Many owners of Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals want to know what the federal laws require with respect to flying in an airplane. These rules are copied below, directly from the U.S. Dept. of Transportation’s materials:

U.S. Department of Transportation

Legal Citation: 14 CFR Part 382
[Includes amendments issued through July 2003 (e.g., includes the amendment on reporting of disability-related consumer complaints)]

PART 382


§ 382.1 Purpose.
The purpose of this part is to implement the Air Carrier Access Act of 1986 (49 U.S.C. 41705), which provides that no air carrier may discriminate against any otherwise qualified individual with a disability, by reason of such disability, in the provision of air transportation.

§ 382.3 Applicability.
(a) Except as provided in this section, this part applies to all air carriers providing air transportation.
(b) Sections 382.21-382.63 do not apply to indirect air carriers.
(c) Except for § 382.70, this part does not apply to foreign air carriers or to airport facilities outside the United States, its territories, possessions, and
(d) Nothing in this part shall authorize or require a carrier to fail to comply with any applicable FAA safety regulation.
(e) The compliance date for the following provisions of this part is June 4, 1990:
§ 382.7 (b)
§ 382.21(c)
§ 382.31(e)
§ 382.33(f)
§ 382.35 (d), (e)
§ 382.37 (b), (c)
§ 382.39 (a) (second sentence of introductory language); (a)(1) and (a)(2), with respect to acquisition of equipment; (a)(3); (b)(3); (b)(4)
§ 382.41 (d), (e)(2), (f)
§ 382.45 (a), (c)
§ 382.47(a)
§ 382.49 (b), (c)
§ 382.65 (a), (b)(2).
(f) The compliance date for the following provisions of this part is August 5, 1990:
§ 382.9
§ 382.23(e)
§ 382.33(d)
§ 382.51
§ 382.53(c).
(g) The compliance date for the following provisions for this part is October 5, 1990:
§ 382.35 (b)(2), (b)(3)
§ 382.41(g), with respect to the acceptance and stowage of batteries requiring hazardous materials packaging, for carriers which, as of March 6, 1990, had a policy of carrying no hazardous materials.

§ 382.5 Definitions.
As used in this Part —
Air Carrier or carrier means any citizen of the United States who undertakes, whether directly or indirectly or by a lease or any other arrangement, to engage in air transportation.
Air carrier airport means a public, commercial service airport which enplanes annually 2,500 or more passengers and receives scheduled air service.
Air transportation means interstate, overseas, or foreign air transportation, or the transportation of mail by aircraft, as defined in the Federal Aviation Act.
Department or DOT means the United States Department of Transportation.
FAA means the Federal Aviation Administration, an operating administration of the Department.
Facility means all or any portion of aircraft, buildings, structures, equipment, roads, walks, parking lots, and any other real or personal property, normally used by passengers or prospective passengers visiting or using the airport, to the extent the carrier exercises control over the selection, design, construction, or alteration of the property.
Individual with a disability means any individual who has a physical or mental impairment that, on a permanent or temporary basis, substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment. As used in this definition, the phrase:
(a) Physical or mental impairment means:
(1) any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological, musculoskeletal, special sense organs, respiratory including speech organs, cardio-vascular, reproductive, digestive, genito-urinary, hemic and lymphatic, skin, and endocrine; or
(2) any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities.
The term physical or mental impairment includes, but is not limited to, such diseases and conditions as orthopedic, visual, speech, and hearing impairments; cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental retardation, emotional illness, drug addiction, and alcoholism.
(b) Major life activities means functions such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working.
(c) Has a record of such impairment means has a history of, or has been classified, or misclassified, as having a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
(d) Is regarded as having an impairment means:
(1) Has a physical or mental impairment that does not substantially limit major life activities but that is treated by an air carrier as constituting such a limitation;
(2) Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity only as a result of the attitudes of others toward such an impairment; or
(3) Has none of the impairments set forth in this definition but is treated by an air carrier as having such an impairment.
Indirect air carrier means a person not directly involved in the operation of an aircraft who sells air transportation services to the general public other than as an authorized agent of an air carrier.
Qualified individual with a disability means a individual with a disability who —
(a) With respect to accompanying or meeting a traveler, use of ground transportation, using terminal facilities, or obtaining information about schedules, fares or policies, takes those actions necessary to avail himself or herself of facilities or services offered by an air carrier to the general public, with reasonable accommodations, as needed, provided by the carrier;
(b) With respect to obtaining a ticket for air transportation on an air carrier, offers, or makes a good faith attempt to offer, to purchase or otherwise validly to obtain such a ticket;
(c) With respect to obtaining air transportation, or other services or accommodations required by this part:
(1) Purchases or possesses a valid ticket for air transportation on an air carrier and presents himself or herself at the airport for the purpose of traveling on the flight for which the ticket has been purchased or obtained; and
(2) Meets reasonable, nondiscriminatory contract of carriage requirements applicable to all passengers;

Scheduled air service means any flight scheduled in the current edition of the Official Airline Guide, the carrier’s published schedule, or the computer reservation system used by the carrier.

§ 382.7 General prohibition of discrimination.
(a) A carrier shall not, directly or through contractual, licensing, or other arrangements:
(1) Discriminate against any otherwise qualified individual with a disability, by reason of such disability, in the provision of air transportation;
(2) Require a person with a disability to accept special services (including, but not limited to, preboarding) not requested by the passenger;
(3) Exclude a qualified individual with a disability from or deny the person the benefit of any air transportation or related services that are available to other persons, even if there are separate or different services available for persons with a disability except when specifically permitted by another section of this part; or,
(4) Take any action adverse to an individual because of the individual’s assertion, on his or her own behalf or through or behalf of others, of rights protected by this part or the Air Carrier Access Act.
(b) If an indirect air carrier provides facilities or services for passengers that are covered for other carriers by sections 382.21-382.55, the indirect air carrier shall do so in a manner consistent with those sections.
(c) Carriers shall, in addition to meeting the other requirements of this part, modify policies, practices, or facilities as needed to ensure nondiscrimination, consistent with the standards of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended. Carriers are not required to make modifications that would constitute an undue burden or would fundamentally alter their program.

§ 382.9 Assurances from contractors.
Carriers’ contracts with contractors who provide services to passengers, including carriers’ agreements of appointment with travel agents (excluding travel agents who are not U.S. citizens who provide services to air carriers outside the United States, its territories and commonwealths), shall include a clause assuring:
(a) Nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, consistent with this part, by such contractors in activities performed on behalf of the carriers; and
(b) That contractor employers will comply with directives issued by carrier complaints resolution officials (CROs) under § 382.65.

§§ 382.11–382.19 [Reserved]


§ 382.21 Aircraft accessibility.
(a) The following requirements apply to new aircraft operated under 14 CFR part 121 and ordered by the carrier after April 5, 1990 or delivered to the carrier after April 5, 1992:
(1)(i) Aircraft with 30 or more passenger seats on which passenger aisle seats have armrests shall have movable aisle armrests on at least one-half of passenger aisle seats.
(ii) Such armrests are not required to be provided on aisle seats on which a movable armrest is not feasible or aisle seats which a passenger with a mobility impairment is precluded from using by an FAA safety rule.
(iii) For aircraft equipped with movable aisle armrests as required by this paragraph, carriers shall configure cabins, or establish administrative systems, to ensure that individuals with mobility impairments or other persons with disabilities can readily obtain seating in rows with movable aisle armrests.
(2) Aircraft with 100 or more passenger seats shall have a priority space in the cabin designated for stowage of at least one folding wheelchair;
(3) Aircraft with more than one aisle in which lavatories are provided shall include at least one accessible lavatory. This lavatory shall permit a qualified individual with a disability to enter, maneuver within as necessary to use all lavatory facilities, and leave, by means of the aircraft’s on-board wheelchair. The accessible lavatory shall afford privacy to persons using the on-board wheelchair equivalent to that afforded ambulatory users. The lavatory shall provide door locks, accessible call buttons, grab bars, faucets and other controls, and dispensers usable by qualified individuals with a disability, including wheelchair users and persons with manual impairments;
(4)(i) Aircraft with more than 60 passenger seats having an accessible lavatory, whether or not required to have such a lavatory by paragraph (a)(3) of this section, shall be equipped with an operable on-board wheelchair for the use of passengers.
(ii) The carrier shall ensure that an operable on-board wheelchair is provided for a flight using an aircraft with more than 60 passenger seats on the request (with advance notice as provided in § 382.33(b)(8)) of a qualified individual with a disability who represents to the carrier that he or she is able to use an inaccessible lavatory but is unable to reach the lavatory from a seat without the use of an on-board wheelchair.1
(iii) On-board wheelchairs shall include footrests, armrests which are movable or removable, adequate occupant restraint systems, a backrest height that permits assistance to passengers in transferring, structurally sound handles for maneuvering the occupied chair, and wheel locks or another adequate means to prevent chair movement during transfer or turbulence. The chair shall be designed to be compatible with the maneuvering space, aisle width, and seat height of the aircraft on which it is to be used, and to be easily pushed, pulled, and turned in the cabin environment by carrier personnel.
(b)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, aircraft in service on the effective date of this part (April 5, 1990) shall not be required to be retrofitted for the sole purpose of enhancing accessibility.
(2) No later than April 5, 1992, each carrier shall comply with the provisions of paragraph (a)(4) of this section with respect to all aircraft with more than 60 passenger seats operated under 14 CFR part 121.
(c) Whenever an aircraft operated under 14 CFR part 121 which does not have the accessibility features set forth in paragraph (a) of this section undergoes replacement of cabin interior elements or lavatories, or the replacement of existing seats with newly manufactured seats, the carrier shall meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section with respect to the affected feature(s) of the aircraft.

(d) Aircraft operated under 14 CFR part 121 with fewer than 30 passenger seats (with respect to the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section), fewer than 100 passenger seats (with respect to the requirements of paragraph (a)(2) of this section) or 60 or fewer passenger seats (with respect to the requirements of paragraph (a)(4) of this section), and aircraft operated under 14 CFR part 135, shall comply with the requirements of this section to the extent not inconsistent with structural, weight and balance, operational and interior configuration limitations.
(e) Any replacement or refurbishing of the aircraft cabin shall not reduce existing accessibility to a level below that specified in this part.
(f) Carriers shall maintain aircraft accessibility features in proper working order.

§ 382.23 Airport facilities.
(a) This section applies to all terminal facilities and services owned, leased, or operated on any basis by an air carrier at a commercial service airport, including parking and ground transportation facilities.
(b) Air carriers shall ensure that the terminal facilities and services subject to this section shall be readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, including individuals who use wheelchairs. Air carriers shall be deemed to comply with this Air Carrier Access Act obligation if they meet requirements applying to places of public accommodation under Department of Justice (DOJ) regulations implementing Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
(c) The carrier shall ensure that there is an accessible path between the gate and the area from which aircraft are boarded.
(d) Systems of inter-terminal transportation, including, but not limited to, shuttle vehicles and people movers, shall comply with applicable requirements of the Department of Transportation’s ADA rule.
(e) The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAGs), including section 10.4 concerning airport facilities, shall be the standard for accessibility under this section.
(f) Contracts or leases between carriers and airport operators concerning the use of airport facilities shall set forth the respective responsibilities of the parties for the provision of accessible facilities and services to individuals with disabilities as required by this part for carriers and applicable section 504 and ADA rules of the Department of Transportation and Department of Justice for airport operators.
[Amdt. 6, 61 FR 56423, Nov. 1, 1996]

§§ 382.25–382.29 [Reserved]


§ 382.31 Refusal of transportation.
(a) Unless specifically permitted by a provision of this part, a carrier shall not refuse to provide transportation to a qualified individual with a disability on the basis of his or her disability.
(b) A carrier shall not refuse to provide transportation to a qualified individual with a disability solely because the person’s disability results in appearance or involuntary behavior that may offend, annoy, or inconvenience crewmembers or other passengers.
(c) A carrier shall not refuse to provide transportation to qualified individuals with a disability by limiting the number of such persons who are permitted to travel on a given flight.
(d) Carrier personnel, as authorized by 49 U.S.C. 44902, 14 CFR 91.8, or 14 CFR 121.533, may refuse to provide transportation to any passenger on the basis of safety, and may refuse to provide transportation to any passenger whose carriage would violate the Federal Aviation Regulations. In exercising this authority, carrier personnel shall not discriminate against any qualified individual with a disability on the basis of disability and their actions shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Part. In the event that such action is inconsistent with the provisions of this Part, the carrier shall be subject to remedies provided under § 382.65.
(e) When a carrier refuses to provide transportation to any person on a basis relating to the individual’s disability, the carrier shall specify in writing to the person the basis for the refusal, including, where applicable, the reasonable and specific basis for the carrier’s opinion that transporting the person would or might be inimical to the safety of the flight. This written explanation shall be provided within 10 calendar days of the refusal of transportation.

§ 382.33 Advance notice requirements.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a carrier shall not require a qualified individual with a disability to provide advance notice of his or her intention to travel or of his or her disability as a condition of receiving transportation or of receiving services or accommodations required by this part.
(b) A carrier may require up to 48 hours advance notice and one-hour advance check-in concerning a qualified individual with a disability who wishes to receive any of the following services, types of equipment, or accommodations:
(1) Medical oxygen for use on board the aircraft, if this service is available on the flight;
(2) Carriage of an incubator, if this service is available on the flight;
(3) Hook-up for a respirator to the aircraft electrical power supply, if this service is available on the flight;
(4) Accommodation for a passenger who must travel in a stretcher, if this service is available on the flight;
(5) Transportation for an electric wheelchair on a flight scheduled to be made with an aircraft with fewer than 60 seats;
(6) Provision by the carrier of hazardous materials packaging for a battery for a wheelchair or other assistive device;
(7) Accommodation for a group of ten or more qualified individuals with a disability, who make reservations and travel as a group; and
(8) Provision of an on-board wheelchair on an aircraft that does not have an accessible lavatory.
(c) If a passenger does not meet advance notice or check-in requirements established by a carrier consistent with this section, the carrier shall nonetheless provide the service, equipment, or accommodation if it can do so by making a reasonable effort, without delaying the flight.
(d) Carriers’ reservation and other administrative systems shall ensure that when advance notice is provided by qualified individuals with a disability as provided by this section, the notice is recorded and

properly transmitted to operating employees responsible for providing the accommodation concerning which notice was provided.
(e) If the qualified individual with a disability provides the notice required by the carrier for a service under paragraph (b) of this section, the carrier shall ensure that the requested service is provided.
(f) If a qualified individual with a disability provides advance notice to a carrier, and the individual is forced to change to the flight of a different carrier because of the cancellation of the original flight or the substitution of inaccessible equipment, the first carrier shall, to the maximum extent feasible, provide assistance to the second carrier in providing the accommodation requested by the individual from the first carrier.

§ 382.35 Attendants.
(a) Except as provided in this section, a carrier shall not require that a qualified individual with a disability travel with an attendant as a condition of being provided air transportation. A concern on the part of carrier personnel that a individual with a disability may need to use inaccessible lavatory facilities or may otherwise need extensive special assistance for personal needs which carrier personnel are not obligated to provide is not a basis on which the carrier may require an attendant.
(b) A carrier may require that a qualified individual with a disability meeting any of the following criteria travel with an attendant as a condition of being provided air transportation, if the carrier determines that an attendant is essential for safety:
(1) A person traveling in a stretcher or incubator. The attendant for such a person must be capable of attending to the passenger’s in-flight medical needs;
(2) A person who, because of a mental disability, is unable to comprehend or respond appropriately to safety instructions from carrier personnel, including the safety briefing required by 14 CFR 121.571 (a) (3) and (a)(4) or 14 CFR 135.117(b);
(3) A person with a mobility impairment so severe that the person is unable to assist in his or her own evacuation of the aircraft;
(4) A person who has both severe hearing and severe vision impairments, if the person cannot establish some means of communication with carrier personnel, adequate to permit transmission of the safety briefing required by 14 CFR 121.571(a)(3) and (a)(4) or 14 CFR 135.117(b).
(c) If the carrier determines that a person meeting the criteria of paragraph (b)(2), (b)(3) or (b)(4) of this section must travel with an attendant, contrary to the individual’s self-assessment that he or she is capable of traveling independently, the carrier shall not charge for the transportation of the attendant.
(d) If, because there is not a seat available on a flight for an attendant whom the carrier has determined to be necessary, a person with a disability who has a confirmed reservation is unable to travel on the flight, the person with a disability shall be eligible for denied boarding compensation under 14 CFR part 250.
(e) For purposes of determining whether a seat is available for an attendant, the attendant shall be deemed to have checked in at the same time as the person with a disability.
§ 382.37 Seat assignments.
(a) Carriers shall not exclude any qualified individual with a disability from any seat in an exit row or other location or require that a qualified individual with a disability sit in any particular seat, on the basis of disability, except in order to comply with the requirements of an FAA safety regulation or as provided in this section.
(b) If a person’s disability results in involuntary active behavior that would result in the person properly being refused transportation under § 382.31, and the safety problem could be mitigated to a degree that would permit the person to be transported consistent with safety if the person is seated in a particular location, the carrier shall offer the person that particular seat location as an alternative to being refused transportation.
(c) If a service animal cannot be accommodated at the seat location of the qualified individual with a disability whom the animal is accompanying (see § 382.55(a)(2)), the carrier shall offer the passenger the opportunity to move with the animal to a seat location, if present on the aircraft, where the animal can be accommodated, as an alternative to requiring that the animal travel with checked baggage.

§ 382.38 Seating accommodations.
(a) On request of an individual who self-identifies to a carrier as having a disability specified in this paragraph, the carrier shall provide the following seating accommodations, subject to the provisions of this section:
(1) For a passenger who uses an aisle chair to access the aircraft and who cannot readily transfer over a fixed aisle armrest, the carrier shall provide a seat in a row with a movable aisle armrest.
(2) The carrier shall provide a seat next to a passenger traveling with a disability for a person assisting the individual in the following circumstances:
(i) When an individual with a disability is traveling with a personal care attendant who will be performing a function for the individual during the flight that airline personnel are not required to perform (e.g., assistance with eating);
(ii) When an individual with a vision impairment is traveling with a reader/assistant who will be performing functions for the individual during the flight; or
(iii) When an individual with a hearing impairment is traveling with an interpreter who will be performing functions for the individual during the flight.
(3) For an individual traveling with a service animal, the carrier shall provide, as the individual requests, either a bulkhead seat or a seat other than a bulkhead seat.
(4) For a person with a fused or immobilized leg, the carrier shall provide a bulkhead seat or other seat that provides greater legroom than other seats, on the side of an aisle that better accommodates the individual’s disability.
(b) A carrier that provides advance seat assignments shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section by any of the following methods:
(1) The carrier may “block” an adequate number of the seats used to provide the seating accommodations required by this section.
(i) The carrier shall not assign these seats to passengers not needing seating accommodations provided under this paragraph until 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the flight.
(ii) At any time up until 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the flight, the carrier shall assign a seat meeting the requirements of this section to an individual who requests it.

(iii) If an individual with a disability does not make a request at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the flight, the carrier shall meet the individual’s request to the extent practicable, but is not required to reassign a seat assigned to another passenger in order to do so.
(2) The carrier may designate an adequate number of the seats used to provide seating accommodations required by this section as “priority seats” for individuals with disabilities.
(i) The carrier shall provide notice that all passengers assigned these seats (other than passengers with disabilities listed in paragraph (a) of this section) are subject to being reassigned to another seat if necessary to provide a seating accommodation required by this section. The carrier may provide this notice through its computer reservation system, verbal information provided by reservation personnel, ticket notices, gate announcements, counter signs, seat cards or notices, frequent-flier literature, or other appropriate means.
(ii) The carrier shall assign a seat meeting the requirements of this section to an individual who requests the accommodation and checks in at least one hour before the scheduled departure of the flight. If all designated priority seats that would accommodate the individual have been assigned to other passengers, the carrier shall reassign the seats of the other passengers as needed to provide the requested accommodation.
(iii) If the individual with a disability does not check in at least an hour before the scheduled departure of the flight, the carrier shall meet the individual’s request to the extent practicable, but is not required to reassign a seat assigned to another passenger in order to do so.
(c) On request of an individual who self-identifies to a carrier as having a disability other than one in the four categories listed in paragraph (a) of this section and as needing a seat assignment accommodation in order to readily access and use the carrier’s air transportation services, a carrier that assigns seats in advance shall provide such an accommodation, as described in this paragraph.
(1) A carrier that complies with paragraph (a) of this section through the “seat-blocking” mechanism of paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall implement the requirements of this paragraph as follows:
(i) When the passenger with a disability not described in paragraph (a) of this section makes a reservation more than 24 hours before the scheduled departure time of the flight, the carrier is not required to offer the passenger one of the seats blocked for the use of passengers with disabilities listed under paragraph (a) of this section.
(ii) However, the carrier shall assign to the passenger any seat, not already assigned to another passenger, that accommodates the passenger’s needs, even if that seat is not available for assignment to the general passenger population at the time of the request.
(2) A carrier that complies with this section through the “designated priority seats” mechanism of paragraph (b)(2) of this section shall implement the requirements of this paragraph as follows:
(i) When a passenger with a disability not described in paragraph (a) of this section makes a reservation, the carrier shall assign to the passenger any seat, not already assigned to another passenger, that accommodates the passenger’s needs, even if that seat is not available for assignment to the general passenger population at the time of the request.
(ii) If such a passenger is assigned to a designated priority seat, he or she is subject to being reassigned to another seat as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(d) A carrier that does not provide advance seat assignments shall provide seating accommodations for persons described in paragraphs (a) and (c) of this section by allowing them to board the aircraft before other passengers, including other “pre-boarded” passengers, so that the individuals needing seating accommodations can select seats that best meet their needs if they have taken advantage of the opportunity to pre-board.
(e) A carrier may comply with the requirements of this section through an alternative method not specified in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section. A carrier wishing to do so shall obtain the written concurrence of the Department of Transportation (Office of the Secretary) before implementing the alternative method.
(f) The carrier shall assign a seat providing an accommodation requested by an individual with a disability, as specified in this section, even if the seat is not otherwise available for assignment to the general passenger population at the time of the individual’s request.
(g) If the carrier has already provided a seat to an individual with a disability to furnish an accommodation required by paragraph (a) or (c) of this section, the carrier shall not reassign that individual to another seat in response to a subsequent request from another individual with a disability, without the first individual’s consent.
(h) In no case shall any individual be denied transportation on a flight in order to provide accommodations required by this section.
(i) Carriers are not required to furnish more than one seat per ticket or to provide a seat in a class of service other than the one the passenger has purchased.
(j) In responding to requests from individuals for accommodations required by this section, carriers shall comply with FAA safety rules, including those pertaining to exit seating (see 14 CFR 121.585 and 135.129).
(k) Carriers are required to comply with this section beginning September 30, 1998.

§ 382.39 Provision of services and equipment.
Carriers shall ensure that qualified individuals with a disability are provided the following services and equipment:
(a) Carriers shall provide assistance requested by or on behalf of qualified individuals with a disability, or offered by air carrier personnel and accepted by qualified individuals with a disability, in enplaning and deplaning. The delivering carrier shall be responsible for assistance in making flight connections and transportation between gates.
(1) This assistance shall include, as needed, the services personnel and the use of ground wheelchairs, boarding wheelchairs, on-board wheelchairs where provided in accordance with this part, and ramps or mechanical lifts.
(2) Boarding shall be by level-entry loading bridges or accessible passenger lounges, where these means are available. Where these means are unavailable, assistance in boarding aircraft with 30 or fewer passenger seats shall be provided as set forth in Sec. 382.40, and assistance in boarding aircraft with 31 or more seats shall be provided as set forth in

Sec. 382.40a. In no case shall carrier personnel hand-carry a passenger in order to provide boarding or deplaning assistance (i.e., directly pick up the passenger’s body in the arms of one or more carrier personnel to effect a change of level that the passenger needs to enter or leave the aircraft). Hand-carrying of passengers is permitted only for emergency evacuations.
(3) Carriers shall not leave a passenger with a disability unattended in a ground wheelchair, boarding wheelchair, or other device, in which the passenger is not independently mobile, for more than 30 minutes.
(b) Carriers shall provide services within the aircraft cabin as requested by or on behalf of individuals with a disability, or when offered by air carrier personnel and accepted by individuals with a disability as follows:
(1) Assistance in moving to and from seats, as part of the enplaning and deplaning processes;
(2) Assistance in preparation for eating, such as opening packages and identifying food;
(3) If there is an on-board wheelchair on the aircraft, assistance with the use of the on-board wheelchair to enable the person to move to and from a lavatory;
(4) Assistance to a semiambulatory person in moving to and from the lavatory, not involving lifting or carrying the person; or
(5) Assistance in loading and retrieving carry-on items, including mobility aids and other assistive devices stowed on board in accordance with § 382.41.
(c) Carriers are not required to provide extensive special assistance to qualified individuals with a disability. For purposes of this section, extensive special assistance includes the following activities:
(1) Assistance in actual eating;
(2) Assistance within the restroom or assistance at the passenger’s seat with elimination functions;
(3) Provision of medical services.

§ 382.40 Boarding assistance for small aircraft.
(a) Paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section apply to air carriers conducting passenger operations with aircraft having 19-30 seat capacity at airports with 10,000 or more annual enplanements.
(b) Carriers shall, in cooperation with the airports they serve, provide boarding assistance to individuals with disabilities using mechanical lifts, ramps, or other suitable devices that do not require employees to lift or carry passengers up stairs.
(c) (1) Each carrier shall negotiate in good faith with the airport operator at each airport concerning the acquisition and use of boarding assistance devices. The carrier(s) and the airport operator shall, by no later than September 2, 1997, sign a written agreement allocating responsibility for meeting the boarding assistance requirements of this section between or among the parties. The agreement shall be made available, on request, to representatives of the Department of Transportation.
(2) The agreement shall provide that all actions necessary to ensure accessible boarding for passengers with disabilities are completed as soon as practicable, but no later than December 2, 1998 at large and medium commercial service hub airports (those with 1,200,000 or more annual enplanements); December 2, 1999 for small commercial service hub airports (those with between 250,000 and 1,199,999 annual enplanements); or December 4, 2000 for non-hub commercial service primary airports (those with between 10,000 and 249,999 annual enplanements). All air carriers and airport operators involved are jointly responsible for the timely and complete implementation of the agreement.
(3) Under the agreement, carriers may require that passengers wishing to receive boarding assistance requiring the use of a lift for a flight using a 19-30 seat aircraft check in for the flight one hour before the scheduled departure time for the flight. If the passenger checks in after this time, the carrier shall nonetheless provide the boarding assistance by lift if it can do so by making a reasonable effort, without delaying the flight.
(4) Boarding assistance under the agreement is not required in the following situations:
(i) Access to aircraft with a capacity of fewer than 19 or more than 30 seats;
(ii) Access to float planes;
(iii) Access to the following 19-seat capacity aircraft models: the Fairchild Metro, the Jetstream 31, and the Beech 1900 (C and D models);
(iv) Access to any other 19-seat aircraft model determined by the Department of Transportation to be unsuitable for boarding assistance by lift on the basis of a significant risk of serious damage to the aircraft or the presence of internal barriers that preclude passengers who use a boarding or aisle chair to reach a non-exit row seat.
(5) When boarding assistance is not required to be provided under paragraph (c)(4) of this section, or cannot be provided as required by paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section for reasons beyond the control of the parties to the agreement (e.g., because of mechanical problems with a lift), boarding assistance shall be provided by any available means to which the passenger consents, except hand-carrying as defined in § 382.39(a)(2) of this part.
(6) The agreement shall ensure that all lifts and other accessibility equipment are maintained in proper working condition.
(d)(1) The training of carrier personnel required by § 382.61 shall include, for those personnel involved in providing boarding assistance, training to proficiency in the use of the boarding assistance equipment used by the carrier and appropriate boarding assistance procedures that safeguard the safety and dignity of passengers.
(2) Carriers who do not operate aircraft with more than a 19-seat capacity shall ensure that those personnel involved in providing boarding assistance are trained to proficiency in the use of the boarding assistance equipment used by the carrier and appropriate boarding assistance procedures that safeguard the safety and dignity of passengers.
[Amdt. 6, 61 FR 56423, Nov. 1, 1996]

§ 382.40a Boarding assistance for large aircraft.
(a) Paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section apply to air carriers conducting passenger operations with aircraft having a seating capacity of 31 or more passengers at airports with 10,000 or more annual enplanements, in any situation where passengers are not boarded by level-entry loading bridges or accessible passenger lounges.
(b) Carriers shall, in cooperation with the airports they serve, provide boarding assistance to individuals with disabilities using mechanical lifts, ramps, or other

suitable devices that do not require employees to lift or carry passengers up stairs.
(c) (1) Each carrier that does not provide passenger boarding by level-entry loading bridges or accessible passenger lounges shall negotiate in good faith with the airport operator at each airport concerning the acquisition and use of boarding assistance devices. The carrier(s) and the airport operator shall, by no later than March 4, 2002, sign a written agreement allocating responsibility for meeting the boarding assistance requirements of this section between or among the parties. The agreement shall be made available, on request, to representatives of the Department of Transportation.
(2) The agreement shall provide that all actions necessary to ensure accessible boarding for passengers with disabilities are completed as soon as practicable, but no later than December 4, 2002. All air carriers and airport operators involved are jointly responsible for the timely and complete implementation of the agreement.
(3) Under the agreement, carriers may require that passengers wishing to receive boarding assistance requiring the use of a lift for a flight check in for the flight one hour before the scheduled departure time for the flight. If the passenger checks in after this time, the carrier shall nonetheless provide the boarding assistance by lift if it can do so by making a reasonable effort, without delaying
the flight.
(4) Level-entry boarding assistance under the agreement is not required with respect to float planes or with respect to any widebody aircraft determined by the Department of Transportation to be unsuitable for boarding assistance by lift, ramp, or other device on the basis that no existing boarding assistance device on the market will accommodate the aircraft without a significant risk of serious damage to the aircraft or injury to passengers or employees.
(5) When level-entry boarding assistance is not required to be provided under paragraph (c)(4) of this section, or cannot be provided as required by paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section (e.g., because of mechanical problems with a lift), boarding assistance shall be provided by any available means to which the passenger consents, except hand-carrying as defined in Sec. 382.39 (a)(2).
(6) The agreement shall ensure that all lifts and other accessibility equipment are maintained in proper working condition.
(d) The training of carrier personnel required by Sec. 382.61 shall include, for those personnel involved in providing boarding assistance, training to proficiency in the use of the boarding assistance equipment used by the carrier and appropriate boarding assistance procedures that safeguard the safety and dignity of passengers.

§ 382.41 Stowage of personal equipment.
(a) All stowage of qualified individuals with a disability wheelchairs and other equipment covered by this Part in aircraft cabins shall be in accordance with 14 CFR 121.589 and 14 CFR 121.285(c) or 14 CFR 135.87, as applicable.
(b) Carriers shall permit qualified individuals with a disability using personal ventilators/respirators to bring their equipment, including non-spillable batteries that meet the requirements of 49 CFR 173.159(d) and any applicable FAA safety regulations, on board the aircraft and use it.
(c) Carriers shall permit qualified individuals with a disability to stow canes and other assistive devices on board the aircraft in close proximity to their seats, consistent with the requirements of FAA safety regulations for carry-on items.
(d) Carriers shall not, in implementing their carry-on baggage policies, count toward a limit on carry-on items any assistive device brought into the cabin by a qualified individual with a disability.
(e) Carriers shall provide for on-board stowage of passengers’ wheelchairs (including collapsible or break-down battery-powered wheelchairs, subject to the provisions of paragraph (g)(5) of this section) as carry-on baggage as follows:
(1) Carriers shall permit the stowage of wheelchairs or components of wheelchairs in overhead compartments and under seats, consistent with the requirements of FAA safety regulations for carry-on items.
(2) In an aircraft in which a closet or other approved stowage area is provided in the cabin for passengers’ carry-on items, of a size that will accommodate a folding, collapsible, or break-down wheelchair, the carrier shall designate priority stowage space, as described below, for at least one folding, collapsible, or break-down wheelchair in that area. A individual with a disability who takes advantage of a carrier offer of the opportunity to pre-board the aircraft may stow his or her wheelchair in this area, with priority over the carry-on items brought onto the aircraft by other passengers enplaning at the same airport. A individual with a disability who does not take advantage of a carrier offer of the opportunity to preboard may use the area to stow his or her wheelchair on a first-come, first-served basis along with all other passengers seeking to stow carry-on items in the area.
(3) If an approved stowage area in the cabin is not available for a folding, collapsible, or break-down wheelchair, the wheelchair shall be stowed in the cargo compartment.
(f) When a folding, collapsible, or break-down wheelchair cannot be stowed in the passenger cabin as carry-on baggage, carriers shall provide for the checking and timely return of passengers’ wheelchairs and other assistive devices as close as possible to the door of the aircraft, so that passengers may use their own equipment to the extent possible, except where this practice would be inconsistent with DOT regulations governing the transportation of hazardous materials.
(1) At the request of the passenger, the carrier may return wheelchairs or other assistive devices to the passenger at the baggage claim area instead of at the door of the aircraft.
(2) In order to achieve the timely return of wheelchairs, passengers’ wheelchairs and other assistive devices shall be among the first items retrieved from the baggage compartment.
(3) Wheelchairs and other assistive devices shall be stowed in the baggage compartment with priority over other cargo and baggage. Where this priority results in passengers’ baggage being unable to be carried on the flight, the carrier shall make its best efforts to ensure that the other baggage reaches the passengers’ destination within four hours of the scheduled arrival time of the flight.
(g) Whenever baggage compartment size and aircraft airworthiness considerations do not prohibit doing so, carriers shall accept a passenger’s battery-powered wheelchair, including the battery, as checked baggage, consistent with the requirements of 49 CFR 175.10(a)(19) and (20) and the provisions of paragraph (f) of this section.
(1) Carriers may require that qualified individuals with a disability wishing to have battery-powered wheelchairs transported on a flight (including in the cabin) check in one

hour before the scheduled departure time of the flight. If such an individual checks in after this time, the carrier shall nonetheless carry the wheelchair if it can do so by making a reasonable effort, without delaying the flight.
(2) If the battery on the individual’s wheelchair has been labeled by the manufacturer as non-spillable as provided in 49 CFR 173.159(d)(2), or if a battery-powered wheelchair with a spillable battery is loaded, stored, secured and unloaded in an upright position, the carrier shall not require the battery to be removed and separately packaged. Notwithstanding this requirement, carriers may remove and package separately any battery that appears to be damaged or leaking.2.
(3) When it is necessary to detach the battery from the wheelchair, carriers shall, upon request, provide packaging for the battery meeting the requirements of 49 CFR 175.10(a)(19) and (20) and package the battery. Carriers may refuse to use packaging materials or devices other than those they normally use for this purpose.
(4) Carriers shall not drain batteries.
(5) At the request of a passenger, a carrier shall stow a folding, break-down or collapsible battery-powered wheelchair in the passenger cabin stowage area as provided in paragraph (e) of this section. If the wheelchair can be stowed in the cabin without removing the battery, the carrier shall not remove the battery. If the wheelchair cannot be stowed in the cabin without removing the battery, the carrier shall remove the battery and stow it in the baggage compartment as provided in paragraph (g)(3) of this section. In this case, the carrier shall permit the wheelchair, with battery removed, to be stowed in the cabin.
(h) Individuals with disabilities shall be permitted to provide written directions concerning the disassembly and reassembly of their wheelchairs.

§ 382.43 Treatment of mobility aids and assistive devices.
(a) When wheelchairs or other assistive devices are disassembled by the carrier for stowage, the carrier shall reassemble them and ensure their prompt return to the individual with a disability. Wheelchairs and other assistive devices shall be returned to the passenger in the condition received by the carrier.
2 EDITORIAL NOTE: As stated in the preamble discussion of this provision (63 FR 10534), carriers may deny transportation for the battery if the potential safety hazard is serious enough.
(b) With respect to domestic transportation, the baggage liability limits of 14 CFR part 254 do not apply to liability for loss, damage, or delay concerning wheelchairs or other assistive devices. The criterion for calculating the compensation for a lost, damaged, or destroyed wheelchair or other assistive device shall be the original purchase price of the device.
(c) Carriers shall not require qualified individuals with a disability to sign waivers of liability for damage to or loss of wheelchairs or other assistive devices.
§ 382.45 Passenger information.
(a) A carrier shall make available, on request, the following information concerning facilities and services related to the provision of air transportation to qualified individuals with a disability. This information shall pertain to the type of aircraft and, where feasible, the specific aircraft scheduled for a specific flight:
(1) The location of seats, if any, with movable armrests and any seats which the carrier, consistent with this part, does not make available to qualified individuals with a disability;
(2) Any limitations on the ability of the aircraft to accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities, including limitations on the availability of boarding assistance to the aircraft, with respect to the departure and destination points and any intermediate stops. The carrier shall provide this information to any passenger who states that he or she uses a wheelchair for boarding, even if the passenger does not explicitly request the information.
(3) Any limitations on the availability of storage facilities, in the cabin or in the cargo bay, for mobility aids or other equipment commonly used by persons with a disability;
(4) Whether the aircraft has an accessible lavatory.
(b) The following provisions govern the provision of individual safety briefings to qualified individuals with a disability:
(1) Individual safety briefings shall be conducted for any passenger where required by 14 CFR 121.571 (a)(3) and (a)(4) or 14 CFR 135.117(b);
(2) Carrier personnel may offer an individual briefing to any other passenger;
(3) Individual safety briefings for qualified individuals with a disability shall be conducted as inconspicuously and discreetly as possible;
(4) Carrier personnel shall not require any qualified individual with a disability to demonstrate that he or she has listened to, read, or understood the information presented, except to the extent that carrier personnel impose such a requirement on all passengers with respect to the general safety briefing, and shall not take any action adverse to a qualified individual with a disability on the basis that the person has not “accepted” the briefing.
(c) Each carrier shall ensure that qualified individuals with a disability, including those with vision or hearing impairments, have timely access to information the carrier provides to other passengers in the terminal or on the aircraft (to the extent that it does not interfere with crewmembers’ safety duties as set forth in FAA regulations) including, but not limited to, information concerning ticketing, flight delays, schedule changes, connections, flight check-in, gate assignments, and the checking and claiming of luggage; Provided, That persons who are unable to obtain such information from the audio or visual systems used by carriers in airports or on aircraft shall request the information from carrier personnel. Carriers shall also provide information on aircraft changes that will affect the travel of persons with a disability.
(d) Carriers shall have, at each airport they use, a copy of this part and shall make it available for review by persons with a disability on request.
[Amdt. 6, 61 FR 56423, Nov. 1, 1996]

§ 382.47 Accommodations for persons with hearing impairments.
(a) Each carrier providing scheduled air service, or charter service under section 401 of the Federal Aviation Act, and which makes available telephone reservation and information service available to the public shall make available a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) service to enable persons with hearing impairments to make reservations and obtain information. The TDD service shall be available during the same hours as the telephone service for the general public and the response time for answering calls shall be equivalent. Users of the TDD service shall not be subject to charges for a call that exceed those applicable to other users of the telephone information and reservation service.

(b) In aircraft in which safety briefings are presented to passengers on video screens, the carrier shall ensure that the video presentation is accessible to persons with hearing impairments.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the carrier shall implement this requirement by using open captioning or an inset for a sign language interpreter as part of the video presentation.
(2) A carrier may use an equivalent non-video alternative to this requirement only if neither open captioning nor a sign language interpreter inset could be placed in the video presentation without so interfering with it as to render it ineffective or would be large enough to be readable.
(3) Carriers shall implement the requirements of this section by substituting captioned video materials for uncaptioned video materials as the uncaptioned materials are replaced in the normal course of the carrier’s operations.

§ 382.49 Security screening of passengers.
(a) Qualified individuals with a disability shall undergo security screening in the same manner, and be subject to the same security requirements, as other passengers. Possession by a qualified individual with a disability of an aid used for independent travel shall not subject the person or the aid to special screening procedures if the person using the aid clears the security system without activating it. Provided, That this paragraph shall not prohibit security personnel from examining a mobility aid or assistive device which, in their judgment, may conceal a weapon or other prohibited item. Security searches of qualified individuals with a disability whose aids activate the security system shall be conducted in the same manner as for other passengers. Private security screenings shall not be required for qualified individuals with a disability to a greater extent, or for any different reason, than for other passengers.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, if a qualified individual with a disability requests a private screening in a timely manner, the carrier shall provide it in time for the passenger to enplane.
(c) If a carrier employs technology that can conduct an appropriate screening of a passenger with a disability without necessitating a physical search of the person, the carrier is not required to provide a private screening.

§ 382.51 Communicable diseases.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a carrier shall not take any of the following actions, with respect to a person who is otherwise a qualified individual with a disability, on the basis that the individual has a communicable disease or infection:
(1) Refuse to provide transportation to the person;
(2) Require the person to provide a medical certificate; or
(3) Impose on the person any condition, restriction, or requirement not imposed on other passengers.
(b)(1) The carrier may take the actions listed in paragraph (a) of this section with respect to an individual who has a communicable disease or infection only if the individual’s condition poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
(2) For purposes of this section, a direct threat means a significant risk to the health or safety of others that cannot be eliminated by a modification of policies, practices, or procedures, or by the provision of auxiliary aids or services.
(3) In determining whether an individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, a carrier must make an individualized assessment, based on reasonable judgment that relies on current medical knowledge or on the best available objective evidence, to ascertain: the nature, duration, and severity of the risk; that the potential harm to the health and safety of others will actually occur; and whether reasonable modifications of policies, practices, or procedures will mitigate the risk.
(4) In taking actions authorized under this paragraph, carriers shall select the alternative, consistent with the safety and health of other persons, that least restrictive from the point of view of the passenger with the communicable disease. For example, the carrier should not refuse to provide transportation to an individual if provision of a medical certificate or reasonable modifications to practices, policies, or procedures will mitigate the risk of communication of the disease to others to extent that would permit the individual to travel.
(5) If an action authorized under this paragraph results in the postponement of a passenger’s travel, the carrier shall permit the passenger to travel at a later time (up to 90 days from the date of the postponed travel) at the fare that would have applied to the passenger’s originally scheduled trip without penalty or at the passenger’s discretion, provide a refund for any unused flights, including return flights.
(6) Upon the passenger’s request, the carrier shall provide to the passenger a written explanation of any action taken under this paragraph within 10 days of the request.
(c) If a qualified individual with a disability with a communicable disease or infection of the kind described in paragraph (b) of this section presents a medical certificate to the carrier, as provided in § 382.53(c)(2), the carrier shall provide transportation to the individual, unless it is not feasible for the carrier to implement the conditions set forth in the medical certificate as necessary to prevent the transmission of the disease or infection to other persons in the normal course of a flight.
[Amdt. 6, 61 FR 56423, Nov. 1, 1996]

§ 382.53 Medical certificates.
(a) Except as provided in this section, a carrier shall not require a person who is otherwise a qualified person with a disability to have a medical certificate as a condition for being provided transportation.
(b)(1) A carrier may require a medical certificate for a qualified individual with a disability —
(i) Who is traveling in a stretcher or incubator;
(ii) Who needs medical oxygen during a flight, as provided in 14 CFR 121.574; or
(iii) Whose medical condition is such that there is reasonable doubt that the individual can complete the flight safely, without requiring extraordinary medical assistance during the flight.
(2) For purposes of this paragraph, a medical certificate is a written statement from the passenger’s physician saying that the passenger is capable of completing a flight safely, without requiring extraordinary medical assistance during the flight.
(c)(1) If a qualified individual with a disability has a communicable disease or infection of the kind described in § 382.51(b), a carrier may require a medical certificate.

(2) For purposes of this paragraph, a medical certificate is a written statement from the passenger’s physician saying that the disease or infection would not, under the present conditions in the particular passenger’s case, be communicable to other persons during the normal course of a flight. The medical certificate shall state any conditions or precautions that would have to be observed to prevent the transmission of the disease or infection to other persons in the normal course of a flight. It shall be dated within ten days of the date of the flight for which it is presented.

§ 382.55 Miscellaneous provisions.
(a) Carriers shall permit dogs and other service animals used by persons with a disability to accompany the persons on a flight.
(1) Carriers shall accept as evidence that an animal is a service animal identification cards, other written documentation, presence of harnesses or markings on harnesses, tags, or the credible verbal assurances of the qualified individual with a disability using the animal.
(2) Carriers shall permit a service animal to accompany a qualified individual with a disability in any seat in which the person sits, unless the animal obstructs an aisle or other area that must remain unobstructed in order to facilitate an emergency evacuation.
(3) In the event that special information concerning the transportation of animals outside the continental United States is either required to be or is provided by the carrier, the information shall be provided to all passengers traveling with animals outside the continental United States with the carrier, including those traveling with service animals.
(b) Carriers shall not require qualified individuals with a disability to sit on blankets.
(c) Carriers shall not restrict the movements of persons with a disability in terminals or require them to remain in a holding area or other location in order to be provided transportation, to receive assistance, or for other purposes, or otherwise mandate separate treatment for persons with a disability, except as permitted or required in this part.

§ 382.57 Charges for accommodations prohibited.
Carriers shall not impose charges for providing facilities, equipment, or services that are required by this part to be provided to qualified individuals with a disability.

§§ 382.59 [Reserved]


§ 382.61 Training.
(a) Each carrier which operates aircraft with more than 19 passenger seats shall provide training, meeting the requirements of this paragraph, for all its personnel who deal with the traveling public, as appropriate to the duties of each employee.
(1) The carrier shall ensure training to proficiency concerning:
(i) The requirements of this part and other DOT or FAA regulations affecting the provision of air travel to persons with a disability; and
(ii) The carrier’s procedures, consistent with this part, concerning the provision of air travel to persons with a disability, including the proper and safe operation of any equipment used to accommodate passengers with a disability.
(2) The carrier shall also train such employees with respect to awareness and appropriate responses to persons with a disability, including persons with physical, sensory, mental, and emotional disabilities, including how to distinguish among the differing abilities of individuals with a disability.
(3) The carrier shall consult with organizations representing persons with disabilities in developing its training program and the policies and procedures concerning which carrier personnel are trained.
(4) The carrier shall ensure that personnel required to receive training shall complete the training by the following times:
(i) For crewmembers subject to training required under 14 CFR part 121 or 135, who are employed on the date the carrier’s program is established under § 382.63, as part of their next scheduled recurrent training;
(ii) For other personnel employed on the date the carrier’s program is established under § 382.63, within 180 days of that date;
(iii) For crewmembers subject to training requirements under 14 CFR part 121 or 135 whose employment in any given position commences after the date the carrier’s program is established under § 382.63, before they assume their duties; and
(iv) For other personnel whose employment in any given position commences after the date the carrier’s program is established under § 382.63, within 60 days of the date on which they assume their duties.
(5) Each carrier shall ensure that all personnel required to receive training receive refresher training on the matters covered by this section, as appropriate to the duties of each employee, as needed to maintain proficiency.
(6) Each carrier shall provide, or require its contractors to provide, training to the contractors’ employees concerning travel by persons with a disability. This training is required only for those contractor employees who deal directly with the traveling public at airports, and it shall be tailored to the employees’ functions. Training for contractor employees shall meet the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this section.
(7) Current employees of each carrier designated as complaints resolution officials, for purposes of § 382.65 of this part, shall receive training concerning the requirements of this part and the duties of a complaints resolution official within 60 days of the effective date of this part (i.e., by June 4, 1990). Employees subsequently designated as complaints resolution officers shall receive this training before assuming their duties under § 382.65. All employees performing the complaints resolution official function shall receive annual refresher training concerning their duties and the provisions of this regulation.
(b) Each carrier operating only aircraft with 19 or fewer passenger seats shall provide training for flight crewmembers and appropriate personnel to ensure that they are familiar with the matters listed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section and comply with the requirements of this part.

§ 382.63 Carrier programs.
(a)(1) Each carrier that operates aircraft with more than 19 passenger seats shall establish and implement, within 180 days of the effective date of this part (i.e., by October 2, 1990), a written program for carrying out the requirements of this part.

(2) Carriers are not excused from compliance with the provisions of this part during the 180 days before carrier programs are required to be established.
(b) The program shall include the following elements:
(1) The carrier’s schedule for training its personnel in compliance with § 382.61;
(2) The carrier’s policies and procedures for accommodating passengers with a disability consistent with the requirements of this part.
(c)(1) Major and National carriers (as defined in the DOT publication Air Carrier Traffic Statistics), and every U.S. carrier that shares the designator code of a Major or National carrier (as described in 14 CFR 399.88), shall submit their program to the Department for review within 180 days of the effective date of this part (i.e., by October 2, 1990).
(2) The Department shall review each carrier’s program, which the carrier shall implement without further DOT action at the time it is submitted to the Department.
(3) If the Department determines that any portion of a carrier’s plan must be amended, or provisions added or deleted, in order for the carrier to comply with this part, DOT will direct the carrier to make appropriate changes. The carrier shall incorporate these changes into its program and implement them.
(d) Other carriers shall maintain their programs on file, and shall make them available for review by the Department on the Department’s request. If, upon such review, the Department determines that any portion of a carrier’s plan must be amended, or provisions added or deleted, in order for the carrier to comply with this part, DOT will direct the carrier to make appropriate changes. The carrier shall incorporate these changes into its program and implement them.

§ 382.65 Compliance procedures.
(a) Each carrier providing scheduled service shall establish and implement a complaint resolution mechanism, including designating one or more complaints resolution official(s) (CRO) to be available at each airport which the carrier serves.
(1) The carrier shall make a CRO available to any person who complains of alleged violations of this part during all times the carrier is operating at the airport.
(2) The carrier may make the CRO available via telephone, at no cost to the passenger, if the CRO is not present in person at the airport at the time of the complaint. If a telephone link to the CRO is used, TDD service shall be available so that persons with hearing impairments may readily communicate with the CRO.
(3) Each CRO shall be thoroughly familiar with the requirements of this part and the carrier’s procedures with respect to passengers with a disability.
(4) Each CRO shall have the authority to make dispositive resolution of complaints on behalf of the carrier.
(5) When a complaint is made to a CRO, the CRO shall promptly take dispositive action as follows:
(i) If the complaint is made to a CRO before the action or proposed action of carrier personnel has resulted in a violation of a provision of this part, the CRO shall take or direct other carrier personnel to take action, as necessary, to ensure compliance with this part. Provided, That the CRO is not required to be given authority to countermand a decision of the pilot-in-command of an aircraft based on safety.
(ii) If an alleged violation of a provision of this part has already occurred, and the CRO agrees that a violation has occurred, the CRO shall provide to the complainant a written statement setting forth a summary of the facts and what steps, if any, the carrier proposes to take in response to the violation.
(iii) If the CRO determines that the carrier’s action does not violate a provision of this part, the CRO shall provide to the complainant a written statement including a summary of the facts and the reasons, under this part, for the determination.
(iv) The statements required to be provided in paragraph (a)(5) of this section shall inform the complainant of his or her right to pursue DOT enforcement action under this section. This statement shall be provided in person to the complainant at the airport if possible; otherwise, it shall be forwarded to the complainant within 10 calendar days of the complaint.
(b) Each carrier shall establish a procedure for resolving written complaints alleging violation of the provisions of this part.
(1) A carrier is not required to respond to a complaint postmarked more than 45 days after the date of the alleged violation.
(2) A written complaint shall state whether the complainant has contacted a CRO in the matter, the name of the CRO and the date of the contact, if available, and include any written response received from the CRO.
(3) The carrier shall make a dispositive written response to a written complaint alleging a violation of a provision of this part within 30 days of its receipt.
(i) If the carrier agrees that a violation has occurred, the carrier shall provide to the complainant a written statement setting forth a summary of the facts and what steps, if any, the carrier proposes to take in response to the violation.
(ii) If the carrier denies that a violation has occurred, the response shall include a summary of the facts and the carrier’s reasons, under this part, for the determination.
(iii) The statements required to be provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section shall inform the complainant of his or her right to pursue DOT enforcement action under this section.
(c) Any person believing that a carrier has violated any provision of this part may contact the following office for assistance: Department of Transportation, Aviation Consumer Protection Division, 400 7th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-2220.
(d) Any person believing that a carrier has violated any provision of this part may file a formal complaint under the applicable procedures of 14 CFR part 302.

§ 382.70 Disability-related complaints
received by carriers.
(a) For the purposes of this section, a disability-related complaint means a specific written expression of dissatisfaction received from, or submitted on behalf, of an individual with a disability concerning a difficulty associated with the person’s disability, which the person experienced when using or attempting to use an air carrier’s or foreign air carrier’s services.
(b) This section applies to certificated U.S. carriers and foreign air carriers operating to, from, and in the United States, conducting passenger operations with at least one aircraft having a designed seating capacity of more than 60 passengers. Foreign air carriers are

covered by this section only with respect to disability-related complaints associated with any flight segment originating or terminating in the United States.
(c) Carriers shall categorize disability-related complaints that they receive according to the type of disability and nature of complaint. Data concerning a passenger’s disability must be recorded separately in the following areas: vision impaired, hearing impaired, vision and hearing impaired, mentally impaired, communicable disease, allergies (e.g., food allergies, chemical sensitivity), paraplegic, quadriplegic, other wheelchair, oxygen, stretcher, other assistive device (cane, respirator, etc.), and other disability. Data concerning the alleged discrimination or service problem related to the disability must be separately recorded in the following areas: refusal to board, refusal to board without an attendant, security issues concerning disability, aircraft not accessible, airport not accessible, advance notice dispute, seating accommodation, failure to provide adequate or timely assistance, damage to assistive device, storage and delay of assistive device, service animal problem, unsatisfactory information, and other.
(d) Carriers shall submit an annual report summarizing the disability-related complaints that they received during the prior calendar year using the form specified in Appendix A to this Part. The first report shall cover complaints received during calendar year 2004 and shall be submitted to the Department of Transportation by January 25, 2005. Carriers shall submit all subsequent reports on the last Monday in January of that year for the prior calendar year. All submissions must be made through the World Wide Web except for situations where the carrier can demonstrate that it would suffer undue hardship if it were not permitted to submit the data via paper copies, disks, or email, and DOT has approved an exception. All fields in the form must be completed; carriers are to enter ‘‘0’’ where there were no complaints in a given category. Each annual report must contain the following certification signed by an authorized representative of the carrier: ‘‘I, the undersigned, do certify that this report has been prepared under my direction in accordance with the regulations in 14 CFR Part 382. I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this is a true, correct, and complete report.’’ Electronic signatures will be accepted.
(e) Carriers shall retain correspondence and record of action taken on all disability-related complaints for three years after receipt of the complaint or creation of the record of action taken. Carriers must make these records available to Department of Transportation officials at their request.
(f)(1) In a code-share situation, each carrier shall comply with paragraphs (c) through (e) of this section for—
(i) Disability-related complaints it receives from or on behalf of passengers with respect to difficulties encountered in connection with service it provides;
(ii) Disability-related complaints it receives from or on behalf of passengers when it is unable to reach agreement with its code-share partner as to whether the complaint involves service it provides or service its code-share partner provides; and
(iii) Disability-related complaints forwarded by another carrier or governmental agency with respect to difficulties encountered in connection with service it provides.
(2) Each carrier shall also forward to its code-share partner disability-related complaints the carrier receives from or on behalf of passengers with respect to difficulties encountered in connection with service provided by its code-sharing partner.
(g) Each carrier, except for carriers in code-share situations, shall comply with paragraphs (c) through (e) of this section for disability-related complaints it receives from or on behalf of passengers as well as disability-related complaints forwarded by another carrier or governmental agency with respect to difficulties encountered in connection with service it provides.
(h) Carriers that do not submit their data via the Web shall use the disability-related complaint data form specified in appendix A to this part when filing their annual report summarizing the disability-related complaints they received. The report shall be mailed, by the dates specified in paragraph (d) of this section, to the following address: U.S. Department of Transportation, Aviation Consumer Protection Division, 400 7th Street, SW., Room 4107, C–75, Washington, DC 20590.
[Source: 68 FR 40488, July 8, 2003]


Summary of service animal laws & classifications

The Service Animal Registry of California issues registration certificates to owners of Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals. However, you might be surprised to know that nation-wide, there are other classification for animals who assist humans in various capacities. The summary below gives a brief overview of the different relevant laws and the many classifications of animals.

Service dog laws

Three federal laws grant service dogs special privileges:

Americans with Disabilities Act: Gives service dogs access to public places, such as restaurants, stores and offices. Owner may not be questioned about disability but may be asked about the tasks the dog performs. Harnesses or leashes must be worn at all times unless it interferes with the dog’s work.

Air Carrier Act: Enables service dogs to fly in cabin of airplane. Passengers with emotional support or psychiatric service dogs may be asked to provide proof of disability and treatment from mental health professional.

Fair Housing Act: Allows people with disabilities to keep emotional-support animals, even when landlord’s or association’s policy prohibits pets. Allows limited questioning about disability and animal support.

Types of support animals

Federal laws give access privileges to service dogs, including guide and hearing dogs. Therapy dogs and emotional support animals can be denied access to public places, airplanes and housing.

Guide dogs: Highly disciplined and trained service dogs. Assist blind and visually impaired people by avoiding obstacles, stopping at curbs and steps, and negotiating traffic.

Hearing dogs: Service dogs trained to alert the deaf and hard of hearing to common sounds, such as a doorbell, telephone, baby crying or smoke alarm.

Service dogs: Provide assistance unrelated to vision or hearing disabilities. Individually trained to meet unique physical, medical or psychiatric needs of owner.

Therapy dogs: Provide comfort and companionship to people in hospitals, nursing homes and other institutions. To encourage petting and avoid confusion with service dogs, often do not wear vests seen on service dogs.

Emotional support animal: Domesticated animals — not necessarily dogs — that provide therapeutic companionship and affection. No training required beyond that of a pet.

Service Animals – is it a scam?

Sadly, some people are asking whether “service animal” laws are being abused by those who want to scam the system.

There have been news stories, articles, opinion pieces and other editorials where people rant and complain about people they believe to be abusing the system. You hear some complain that they had to sit near a dog at a restaurant that they don’t believe is a “real” service dog, or others complain that their neighbors have a pet in a “no pet” building because they claimed the animal is an emotional support animal.

Some of the commentary has an indignant tone, and some people are downright angry.

How does this affect those who legitimately own and use a service animal to better their lives? In many ways.

For one, it can it more difficult to navigate bureaucracy of the world when your claim of a disabiltiy and your service or emotional support animal’s status is questioned. If a landlord or business owner has heard negative stories claiming that some people are abusing the system, it can cause them to look suspiciously at all claimants.

Some landlord and business owners have begun asking for proof of status, even though asking for written or other evidence is not always legal, and even though many owners of legitimate service animals and emotional support animals have not taken advantage of registering them, and thus have no such documentation to produce.

It is the suspicious attitude and illegal demands of some landlords and business owners that make services like the Service Animal Registry of California so vital to legitimate owners.

Although registration is optional, it can help shortcut the housing rental and business access issues when the owner can produce a simple document that will often satisfy the owner or landlord. Also, when using public spaces, it is often easier to hand over a document with a simple sentence stating, “This is a service animal” and letting the other party read the information, rather than having a long-winded protracted conversation (or worse yet, argument) in public, with onlookers listening in and gathering around the discussion.

So, do some people scam the system, or game the law? Sadly, the answer is “probably yes.” In life, there is always room for abuse and people can try to take advantage of many systems that we as a society put in place to protect the rights of those who need such protection. For example, many drivers falsely display disabled parking placards to take advantage of free and convenient parking. Not to mention the number of folks who lie on their tax returns, claim improper tax deductions, abuse retail store return policies, or do other bad acts.

But that percentage of abuse, which in the area of service animal laws is hopefully small, is arguably a very small price to pay when compared to the higher goal of promoting access and equality for all.

In the end, you cannot control any system to make it 100% abuse proof. So tolerating the few people who scam service animal laws is the price we gladly pay to ensure that the disabled in the great state of California have equal access under law.

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Service Animals for PTSD related mental health problems?

CNN features an article about the benefits of Service Animals for mental health issues.

Elizabeth Landau of CNN spotlights Charles Hernandez, 49, and his Service Animal Valor for helping Charles cope with his severe PTSD.

Valor is half Labrador retriever, half Great Dane, and helps Sgt. Charles Hernandez navigate life by alerting Charles to oncoming seizures and calming anxiety attacks. In combination with medications, Charles says Valor has helped alleviate the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

“I’m alive again,” says Charles, retired from the U.S. National Guard. “What keeps me going is my dog.”

John Ensminger, a New York attorney, says that PTSD in returning veterans is a major reason for the increasing demand for Service Animals.

For the full CNN feature story, click here.

May I take my service animal or emotional support animal with me on an airplane?

Federal regulations related to air travel require that service and emotional support animals be reasonably accommodated on all flights.  Airlines may ask passengers who use service or emotional support animals whether the animal is a service animal, and what work or tasks the animal performs for the benefit of the passenger.

Additionally, passengers who wish to bring an emotional support animal onto a flight may be required to produce a note, less than one year old, signed by a licensed mental health professional, stating that he or she has a recognized psychiatric disability that requires an emotional support animal.  Exotic animals, such as snakes or spiders, do not have to be accommodated at all.  The U.S. Department of Transportation regulations for airlines specify that for air travel, a service or emotional support animal is “solely the responsibility of the passenger with a disability whom the animal is accompanying.”